Mushroom Farm Consulting
This is for farms that
- have an issue with contamination [above 5% loss] and want to lower that
- have no settled methodology and want to set up a working system
- are not happy with the size/shape/color of the mushrooms they get and want to change that
- have low yields for the mushrooms they grow and want to increase those
- don't make their own spawn yet
- want to expand and don't know how
- want to launch new strains in the production line
- want to cut production costs, etc

It’s best to invest in solving the issues you have than to wonder around, spend energy, and time trying to figure it out by yourself. A consulting session will get you to that.. ‘Aha!’ moment when you’ll think: now I know what to do. With a little investment you’ll get your business out of trouble and it will get you safe on the long run.

This consulting offer comes in two forms: as on site visits or phone/video chat and may be customized depending on the palette of issues that you have at your mushroom farm.
You may opt for anything you consider your farm needs to function properly.
Opt for this if you have a tight schedule and is more feel is more convenient for you to communicate this way

Phone/Video Chat
This option is great for when you have a multitude of questions and want immediate answers
Important to get a general picture on the existing issues and the possible solutions meant to solve them
About Your Mentor
I’m Dr T and I grow mushrooms since 2005. I started my consultant career in 2014 when I worked with several startups and mushroom farms as an advisor -this was part of my job with a company selling mushroom spawn. At the same company I worked as instructor in clean room techniques and mushroom growing, and instructed many national and international students. In 2015 I had the chance to visit multiple farms located on the US West Coast. In 2017 I started to consult with a startup mushroom farm in Barbados then, with several others across California, doing both online and on site consulting. Find out more about me.

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