10 Wild Mushroom Identification Rules

When it’s about mushroom identification you have to be careful not to confuse them with poisonous mushrooms, and guess what? even if you know how to ID them you have to be careful not to collect poisonous mushrooms together with the edible ones that you know.

Once I’ve purchased a bag of mushrooms from a company and what i got it was the mushroom I’ve ordered plus some tiny brown little mushrooms with it. I had to check the entire bag for those little brown ones. 

Here’s 10 rules that will help you understand that you need to be accurate when it’s about mushroom hunting. I met people in my life that had no rules and got poisoned. Hunting for mushrooms is just like hunting for herbs (there’s also very poisonous herbs out there). 

These are just 10 of my rules, however, feel free to make your own rules and as you get more experience you’ll have your own mushroom hunting rules in place.

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