Mushroom Cultivation Training For Beginners

About This Program

This mushroom cultivation program was designed for beginners interested in starting a mushroom farm or just to grow edible and medicinal mushrooms for their own kitchen. The mushroom farming classes included in this training program are focused on several aspects that follow a low-tech approach and sustainable mushroom farming. The Univ. of Oregon formulated several questions in regards to this training that were kept to give you an idea on what this training has to offer.

Briefly describe the project (subject, number of courses, hours of instruction, type of credit): 

I’ve set up an online e-learning platform for all of those interested in learning how to grow mushrooms for fun or profit. The information includes both, mushroom growing procedures and spawn making. It includes in detail instructional videos, step-by-step methodology films and text The whole information splits into three major groups A: low-tech mushroom growing for total beginners; B: specialty mushroom growing and farm setup; B: spawn making.

The training program includes a total of 20 training modules -with over 17 hours of instructions.

What are the unique and compelling features of the project? (what makes this program unique, how will it help solve an existing pain point for the audience, what they will be able to do after they take this program and how will it help them) 

What’s unique about this program is the in detail presentations based on my personal experience of over 16 years in the industry and the tight bound with science (includes scientific references) meant to help those willing to learn and succeed. This is especially made for startups and will help them over pass the “beginner difficulties” when starting a mushroom based business.

Once they pass through this program they will be able to do the following: grow mushrooms for markets and earn from it, start a career in mycology because this is a starting point for anyone wanting to get into mycology, it is also a launch point into the medicinal mushroom industry so they will be able to produce mushroom supplements for health and wellness, this program will also offer them the possibility to innovate (mycelium structural composites for green packaging and other biotechnology application)

Briefly describe the audience(s) [How large is the audience, student status, profession, geographical dispersion] 

This is a program for the following: Startups wanting open a mushroom based business (both, mushroom farm and/or spawn production), Students wanting to launch into a mycology career, Fungus student enthusiasts wanting to learn more about the wonderful world of fungi, Students interested in mycelium innovations, students wanting to launch into the medicinal mushroom biotech and it is an open gate to students interested in wild fungi or mycoremediation with fungi. Suitable for those focused on horticulture, permaculture, holistic healing, or general mycology. Since the teachings are part of an e-learning platform students from all over the world may attend.

Describe ideas for reaching the audience with marketing information (are there lists, groups or associations): 

There is a huge request for the edible mushroom market. The current mushroom growing companies grow because of the high demand for mushrooms.

Are there currently existing (competitive) programs? Please list: 

There are farms offering instructions on how to grow mushrooms but most of those programs lack the in depth theory and scientific associated info while the programs that they offer most times are pricey. To enroll in this mushroom cultivation training program is affordable compared to what other have to offer out there.

The master class is composed of 3 training programs (as shown below) and it’s a serious addition for anyone that wants to invest in mushroom cultivation knowledge.

Low-tech Mushroom Cultivation For Beginners

Teaches you the basics of low-tech mushroom cultivation. This program is ideal for those that never grew mushrooms before or those who got into mushroom growing but experience cultivation issues. You’ll also learn how to combine garden permaculture with mushroom growing & much more

On mushroom farm setup

Not everyone had the chance to visit a successful mushroom farm. But few are those who saw several mushroom farms and therefore they don’t have a comparison point or highlights on what equipment to purchase and why or how things should look like inside a farm or what compartments is composed of a mushroom farm.

The Mushroom Farm Setup Training Module is part of the Low-tech Small Scale Mushroom Farm Setup Training and it will enlighten you up on how the farm’s deposit area, processing area, incubation & fruiting chambers, and packaging area should look like.

Most mushroom farm startups don’t know how to divide their farm in regards to their mushroom grow needs. This class provides you two mushroom farm plans that you can copy and implement or that you can use to inspire yourself from.

Every startup mushroom grower has to visit a real mushroom farm in order to have a model to follow. Learning about it or visiting such a farm is essential because will show you the way and give you plenty of ideas that will easy your entire mushroom grow process. The info presented in the training module is a synthesis of my vision based on several mushroom farms I’ve seen.

Unfortunately, due to farm visitor restrictions of most farms, my explanations in this class will be based on both farm visit video recordings and YouTube videos.

Here’s what more this class can do for you:

  • Spare you from scoring the internet for information on mushroom farm setup. The problem is that there’s not much information out there on how to set up your mushrooms farm. The info out there is pretty fragmented and doesn’t show you exactly what equipment you should have in every compartment of your growroom so you can get a clear general idea on how to set up your own mushroom farm. This class was designed to help you understand this and get you the picture of a successful farm and the steps involved
  • This will make you understand that mushrooms don’t need fancy equipment and tools to grow which means that when you start you may start with a low investment.

Training module contents:

+ Lesson 1: Farm design and development stages

+ Lesson 2: The farm building material

+ Lesson 3: The material deposit area

+ Lesson 4: The substrate processing area

+ Lesson 5: The inoculation chamber

+ Lesson 6: The incubation chamber

+ Lesson 7: The fruiting chamber

+ Lesson 8: The packaging area

+ Lesson 9: Climate systems used by startup farms

+ Lesson 10: Climate systems used by professional farms

This training comes with a video tour of a mushroom farm and is designed for you to see what’s inside a mushroom farm: how is divided and what kind of equipment and tools are generally used to prepare or manipulate the substrate.

After Taking This Class..

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